We here show how to run the Java application through some tutorial videos.

For more details, you can download the software documentation from Download.

Install and import the database

We provide the signature database through a file .sql (which can be downloaded from Download). In order to correctly read this file and be able to interact with it, you need a DBMS (Database Management System); specifically, you need a DBMS called MySql.

How to install and import the database MySql on Windows Machines

How to install and import the database MySql on OS X Machines

Solo experiments

This task involves one agent at a time only. Participant is asked to generate a spontaneous movement of his/her preferred hand, so that his/her motor signature can be recorded.

How to perform a Solo experiments task

Dyadic interaction

This task involves two agents at a time only. Two kinds of trials can be performed: HP-HP trials and HP-VP trials.

How to perform a Dyadic interaction task: HP-VP

(a) Machine where Server and one HP run

(b) Machine where the other HP runs

How to perform a Dyadic interaction task: HP-HP

Group interaction

This task involves three or more agents, coupled through a structure of interactions that can be set at will. In particular, the topology of the interactions can be either undirected or directed. Two kinds of networks can be implemented: HP networks and mixed HP-VP networks.

How to perform a Group interaction task: mixed HP-VP network

Data saving

For each trial, the application saves data on the Server's machine. The .txt file created by the application does not contain the number of current trial, so data can be saved correctly only by running on the Server's machine the provided shell script, named saveData (which can be downloaded from Download), at the end of each trial.

How to use the shell script for saving data at the end of the trial


Group information

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
University of Naples Federico II
Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy

Department of Engineering Mathematics
University of Bristol, Merchant Venturers Building, Woodland Road, Clifton, BS8 1UB, UK